Italian Greyhound Health The Italian Greyhound Club

Italian Greyhound Health Survey 2025

As part of our commitment to the ongoing health and wellbeing of the Italian Greyhound breed, we are conducting a health survey. The Kennel Club strongly encourages breed clubs to carry out such surveys to gather essential data, which helps us identify and address potential health concerns within our beloved breed.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Your input is invaluable in building a comprehensive picture of the health status of Italian Greyhounds today. The survey is entirely anonymous, ensuring your privacy is respected, and it is open to all Italian Greyhound owners who live in the UK.

  • Please only submit details of dogs that you know are, or believe are full Italian Greyhounds (not a cross-breed)
  • The survey is open to both KC registered and non-KC registered Italian Greyhounds
  • The survey is open to Italian Greyhounds living in the UK. If your Italian Greyhound is imported from overseas, please complete the survey as long as your dog’s permanent home is in the UK

The findings from this survey will allow us to make informed decisions and recommendations to safeguard the future health of Italian Greyhounds.

Thank you for your time and support in helping us care for this wonderful breed.

Please click here to complete the survey:

About the author

Italian Greyhound Breed Health Coordinator

Joanne Liddy is the Royal Kennel Club's Breed Health Coordinator for the Italian Greyhound. The Italian Greyhound Breed Health Co-ordinator (BHC) advocates for the health and welfare of the Italian Greyhound breed. The main role of the BHC is to facilitate, over time, the communication and collection of data on the health of the Italian Greyhound. The BHC acts as a spokesperson on matters of health and will collaborate with The Kennel Club on any health concerns the breed may have.